Com o objetivo então de contribuir para esses debates, lançamos esta 5a. edição da REVISTA (Comparative Health Law Journal), publicação semestral contínua do Curso de Mestrado e Doutorado em Direito Médico da UNISA de São Paulo – Brasil.
A missão da revista é promover o enriquecimento do debate científico, acadêmico e disseminar de forma ampla as pesquisas de qualidade fundadas em abordagens teóricas e empíricas sobre direito médico, direitos fundamentais sociais de saúde, e políticas públicas no âmbito da saúde pública e da saúde suplementar.
O enfoque da revista está no campo interdisciplinar do Direito, Medicina e da Saúde, e está aberta às relevantes contribuições de outras áreas das Ciências Humanas e Sociais e Ciências Biológicas.
Estão reunidos aqui trabalhos de estudiosos e estudiosas que, atendendo à proposta de explorar a experiência política e jurídica nacional e internacional, direcionaram seus esforços a essa temática, segundo suas afinidades e especialidades, a fim de enriquecer ainda mais os debates que exigem a evolução do direito comparado na área da saúde.
Além de juristas brasileiros que perscrutaram os seus respectivos assuntos, temos a participação do ilustre pesquisador português, que devolveu o tema “A reforma de Gonçalves Ferreira: os primórdios de um Sistema de Saúde em Portugal”, Professor Filipe de Aredes Nunes, que é Professor Auxiliar da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa; e o artigo intitulado “Fundamentos políticos, filosóficos e econômicos sobre a judicialização da saúde no Brasil” do Professor de Direito da Universidade Aberta de Moçambique, Dr. Armênio Alberto Rodrigues da Roda.
Nesta edição, ainda, temos a honra de publicar artigos de ilustres juristas nacionais: o eminente Ministro André Mendonça (STF), Clarice Alegre Petramale, Marcus Carvalho Borin, Silvia Márcia Bruschi Kelles, Georghio Alessandro Tomelin, Graciela Amaya, Leandro Sarcedo, Leonardo Massud, Márcia Walquíria Batista dos Santos, Deborah Alessandra de Oliveira Damas, Ricardo Dal Pizzol, Matteo Souza Gall, Wandemberg Venceslau Rosendo dos Santos, e Natália Aurélio Vieira.
Agradecemos e ficamos honrados com o prestígio recebido, por podermos publicar esses relevantes trabalhos.
Enrique Ricardo Lewandowski
Presidente do Conselho Editorial
Georghio Alessandro Tomelin
Em 1925, no Estado de Tennesse, Estados Unidos, o professor de ciências John Thomas Scopes, foi acusado de violar uma lei estadual que proibia o ensino de qualquer teoria sobre a criação do homem que não fosse o que consta das Escrituras. Ele falou a seus alunos de ginásio sobre os escritos de Charles Darwin, o que o tornou réu em um processo que o poderia levá-lo à prisão por vários anos ou a ser queimado em praça pública.
Com o apoio da imprensa e da opinião pública, e em função de um excelente trabalho de um famoso advogado criminal de sua geração, Clarence Darrow, Scopes foi condenado, mas a uma multa de apenas 100 (cem) dólares, que acabou sendo paga pelo Jornal “The Sun”. A lei só foi revogada em 1967.
Embora decorridos quase um século do referido episódio, o vai e vem de posições muitas vezes fundamentalistas nas políticas públicas e sociais, os questionamentos sobre as evidências científicas nas práticas médicas, e algumas dúvidas que, muitas vezes sem qualquer fundamento técnico, certos burocratas colocam para frear os avanços tecnológicos na área da saúde, mostram esta gangorra que a história insiste em revelar.
O fato é que se faz imperativo que nesta nova era da informação, digital, os avanços tecnológicos – advindos da terceira revolução industrial – possam ser aplicados com responsabilidade em prol dos cidadãos. Precisamos de decisões públicas em favor da iniciativa privada, sem entraves desnecessários, de ordem jurídica, burocrática ou técnica, e menos ainda sob argumentos torpes ou desarrazoados.
Com o objetivo de contribuir para esse debate, lançamos a quarta (4ª.) edição da REVISTA DE DIREITO DA SAÚDE COMPARADO (Comparative Health Law Journal), publicação semestral contínua do Curso de Mestrado em Direito Médico da UNISA de São Paulo – Brasil. A missão da Revista é promover o enriquecimento do debate científico, acadêmico e disseminar de forma ampla as pesquisas de qualidade fundadas em abordagens teóricas e empíricas sobre direito médico, direitos fundamentais sociais de saúde, e políticas públicas no âmbito da saúde pública bem como da saúde suplementar.
O enfoque da Revista está no campo interdisciplinar do Direito, Medicina e da Saúde, e está aberta às relevantes contribuições de outras áreas das Ciências Humanas e Sociais e Ciências Biológicas.
Estão reunidos aqui trabalhos de estudiosos(as) que, atendendo à proposta de explorar a experiência política e jurídica nacional e internacional, direcionaram seus esforços a essa temática, segundo suas afinidades e especialidades, a fim de enriquecer ainda mais os debates que exigem a evolução do direito comparado na área da saúde.
Além de importantes juristas nacionais, temos a participação da ilustre pesquisadora francesa, que devolveu o tema L'empowerment du patient et l'Espace Numérique de Santé «Mon espace santé». Trata-se da eminente professora Lydia Morlet-Haïdara: Juriste spécialisée en droit de la santé; Directrice de l’Institut Droit et Santé de l’université Paris Cité; Directrice des quatre diplômes suivants; le Master Comparative Health Law; la Masterclass intelligence artificielle et droit de la santé; le Diplôme universitaire Santé, droit et société; le Diplôme universitaire, contentieux médical (exclusivement proposé en e-learning); Membre du collège d’expert national d’indemnisation des victimes du Valproate de Sodium (Dépakine); Membre du Comité Scientifique et Ethique de l’Entrepôt de Données de Santé de l’Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris; Membre du Comité de pilotage de Paris Public Health (Institut de santé publique de l’Université Paris Cité); Directrice de la publication du Journal de Droit de la Santé et de l’Assurance Maladie.
Nesta edição, ainda, temos a honra de publicar artigos de ilustres juristas brasileiras e brasileiros: Dr. Alysson Leandro Mascaro; Dra. Gabrielle Bezerra Sales Sarlet; Dr. Miguel Kfouri Neto, em co-autoria com Dr. Anderson Ricardo Fogaça e Dr. Rodrigo Luís Kanayama; Dr. Reynaldo Mapelli Júnior em co-autoria com Dra. Andressa Isabelle Ferreira Barreto; e Dr. Silvio Gabriel Serrano Nunes em co-autoria com Dr. Ulisses Maciel Peixoto Mendonça. Contamos ainda com a contribuição, atendendo os convites pelos seus conhecimentos especializados, da Dra. Juliana Peneda Hasse e do Dr. Walter José Faiad de Moura, este em co-autoria com a Dra. Simone Martins de Araújo Moura.
Agradecemos e ficamos honrados com o prestígio recebido, por podermos publicar esses relevantes trabalhos.
Desejamos a todos uma excelente leitura.
Richard Pae Kim
With immense honor and satisfaction we present the third (3rd) edition of our international electronic magazine (December 2023).
The Comparative Health Law Journal is published every six months. It aims to be an instrument for disseminating research and reflections by professors and researchers in the area of Law and Health from all over the world. The magazine was designed by the Master’s course in Medical Law at UNISA (Santo Amaro University) in São Paulo – Brazil, as a broad vehicle for technical debates in the area of health.
The magazine’s mission is to promote the enrichment of scientific and academic debate, in order to divulge the quality research the health legal sector has been producing. Our goal is to produce theoretical and empirical approaches regarding medical law, fundamental social health rights and public policies within the scope of public health, as well as supplementary health in different countries.
The journal’s focus is on the interdisciplinary field of Law, Medicine and Health, and is open to relevant contributions from other areas of Human and Social Sciences, as well as Biological Sciences. An invitation for papers is published at the beginning of each semester, but texts are welcomed throughout the term. Papers are accepted in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian and German.
To achieve this goal, The Comparative Health Law Journal counts on the support of respected scientists and jurists on its Editorial and Scientific Boards. It adopts a broad editorial line, following the strict criteria established by the Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). The aim is to guarantee absolute impartiality in the evaluations of the papers to be published,
focusing on the quality of their content.
In this edition we have the honor of publishing articles by distinguished jurists. In the first section of this edition, we have foreign papers by the following authors: Professor PAULA VEIGA from the University of Coimbra, in Portugal, and Professor ROCCO FAVALE – Director and Full Professor of Comparative Private Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Camerino (UNICAM), in Italy. The second section is dedicated to national research papers by professors ANA CLÁUDIA BRANDÃO
DE BARROS CORREIA, HENDERSON FURST, JOSÉ LUIZ TORO DA SILVA, LENIR SANTOS, LUCIANO MOREIRA DE OLIVEIRA and RAMIRO NÓBREGA SANT’ANA. To our delight, they are all renowned authors, whose work in the health sector has stood out in recent decades.
We are grateful and honored to have been given the opportunity to publish these relevant papers.
We wish you all an excellent reading.
Enrique Ricardo Lewandowski
Presidente do Conselho Editorial
Georghio Alessandro Tomelin
Richard Pae Kim
It is with great pride and satisfaction that we present the second edition of the COMPARATIVE HEALTH LAW JOURNAL. It is intended that this digital international journal will become an important tool to disseminate research and reflections of professors and researchers in the field of Law and Health from around the world.
Organized by the master’s degree program of Medical Law at UNISA (University Santo Amaro), São Paulo State – Brazil, the journal’s mission is to promote the enrichment of scientific and academic debate and to widely disseminate quality research based on theoretical and empirical approaches to Medical Law, fundamental rights regarding social health, public policies in the field of public health as well as supplementary health.
It is with great pride and satisfaction that we present the first edition of the COMPARATIVE HEALTH LAW JOURNAL. It is intended that this electronic international journal will become an important tool to disseminate research and reflections of professors and researchers in the field of Law and Health from around the world.
Organized by the master’s degree program of Medical Law at UNISA (University Santo Amaro), São Paulo State – Brazil, the journal's mission is to promote the enrichment of scientific and academic debate and to widely disseminate quality research based on theoretical and empirical approaches to Medical Law, fundamental rights regarding social health, public policies in the field of public health as well as supplementary health.
The journal's focuses on the interdisciplinary field of Law, Medicine and Health, and is open to relevant contributions from other areas of Human, Social and Biological Sciences.
Despite the publication of notices at the beginning of each semester, papers will be accepted continuously, in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian and German.
To achieve this goal, the Comparative Health Law Journal has the support of respected scientists and jurists in its Editorial and Scientific Boards, and adopts a broad editorial line, following the strict criteria established by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES - Brazil), to guarantee absolute exemption and impartiality in the evaluation of the works to be published and the quality of their contents.
To begin, we are honored to publish papers by distinguished jurists. In the first section of this edition, we have foreign studies written by the following authors: Bertrand Mathieu, French jurist, professor of Constitutional Law at l'École de droit de la Sorbonne de l'université, Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne; Marisa Aizenberg, Professor and Academic Director of Observatorio de Salud Facultad de Derecho UBA – Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Pedro Felipe de Oliveira Santos, researcher at the University of Oxford – United Kingdom; Ricardo Resende Campos, jurist and professor of Public Law at the Goethe Universitat Frankfurt am Main, who writes in co-authorship with Carolina Xavier, researcher at the Legal Informatics Laboratory and the Legal Grounds Institute.
In the second section, we present research results of the following professors, all from Brazil: Alysson Leandro Mascaro; Camila Pintarelli; Clenio Jair Schulze; Georghio Alessandro Tomelin; Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet who writes in co-authorship with Jeferson Ferreira Barbosa; Josimário J. Silva and Tiago Santos Badin; Leandro Sarcedo and Ana Carolina Moreira Santos; Rubens Beçak in co-authorship with Guilherme de Siqueira Castro; and Walber de Moura Agra.
We thank and are honored with the prestige received, to publish these excellent works.
In view of the compiled and qualified material of this edition, we consider it important to emphasize the importance of the fundamental right to health, an essential condition for human dignity and survival, provided for in article 196 of Brazil’s Federal Constitution of 1988. Its importance is also described in the preface to the 1946 Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), which states:
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.
The health of all peoples is fundamental to the attainment of peace and security and is dependent upon the fullest co-operation of individuals and States.
The achievement of any State in the promotion and protection of health is of value to all.
Unequal development in different countries in the promotion of health and control of disease, especially communicable disease, is a common danger.
Healthy development of the child is of basic importance; the ability to live harmoniously in a changing total environment is essential to such development.
The extension to all peoples of the benefits of medical, psychological and related knowledge is essential to the fullest attainment of health.
Informed opinion and active co-operation on the part of the public are of the utmost importance in the improvement of the health of the people.
Governments have a responsibility for the health of their peoples which can be fulfilled only by the provision of adequate health and social measures.” (CONSTITUTION OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, 1946).
In Brazil, the fundamental right to health has as its legal content adequate, full, and universal access, within the scope of public health; and in supplementary health services, adequate and efficient care at affordable prices compatible with a quality health service.
Unfortunately, around the world, about 100 million people are pushed to live below the poverty line every year, jeopardizing the guarantee of these people's fundamental rights (according to WHO data, on December 29, 2017), with vulnerable and marginalized groups in most societies, who often face excessive health problems. The right to the "highest attainable standard of health", including for this marginalized population, requires a set of favorable social criteria to the health of all, including the availability of health services, safe working conditions, adequate housing and the adequate access to food.
Public health policies and programs must promote and take action against human rights violations, establishing measures capable of respecting and protecting them, defining competences and also responsibilities.
In this sense, it is essential that research and education about rights involving public and private health area be stimulated, which is one of the missions of this international Journal. The objective is to exchange experiences in a dialogical and technical way, so that the enjoyment of the right to health for all is effectively governed by strict standards, including non-discrimination, wide availability, and adequate accessibility within the highlighted dimensions by WHO, namely: (i) acceptability, with the provision of ethical, culturally appropriate, and sensitive medical goods and services to the needs of each sex and life cycle; (ii) quality, as health establishments, goods and services must be scientifically adequate and of good quality; and (iii) responsibility, which must reach the state agencies and all of the health service care chain.
Finally, it is with joy that we present this journal, and we hope that reading this first edition – and the next ones – will be productive with a lot of learning.
Enrique Ricardo Lewandowski
President of the Editorial Board
Richard Pae Kim