Políticas judiciárias das demandas de saúde e o respeito à bioética


  • Richard Pae Kim Universidade Santo Amaro




This paper presents the scientific research carried out on the principles of Bioethics and their effects on our legal system. From the perspective of the judicialization of health, this work concludes that the judicial policies elaborated by the National Council
of Justice (CNJ) since 2010, built with the support of FONAJUS - National Forum of the Judiciary for Health, new acronym for the National Health Forum, and the Inter-institutional State Committees, have favored the application of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM), as well as the technical notes and opinions issued by the NATJUS and the E-NATJUS, have garanteed that the judges make their decisions of preliminary or merit nature, with respect for the law, the science, and the principles of Bioethics, the dignity
and the right to health of the citizen who seeks the Brazilian Judiciary.



How to Cite

PAE KIM, R. Políticas judiciárias das demandas de saúde e o respeito à bioética . Comparative Health Law Journal, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 137-157, 2023. Disponível em: //periodicos.unisa.br/index.php/direitosaude/article/view/490. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.