O direito administrativo global e seu potencial para a formação de uma rede regulatória transnacional na temática da saúde


  • Valter Shuenquener de Araujo Juiz Federal




The paper presents some of the challenges to be faced by the current international model of creating legal norms through the traditional tools of International Law and points out the need to the development of a Global Administrative Law as an instrument for increasing the legitimacy of decisions in the global legal space. The analysis is made with a focus on the theme of health and addresses the work developed by the CNJ in the creation of a plural regulatory network in this matter. The difficulty of the ineffectiveness of various norms produced within multilateral organizations justifies the incentive to improve institutes of this new branch of Administrative Law focused on topics of transnational interest. The article supports, therefore, the possibility of increasing the state and international decision-making environment in relation to the health topic through transnational regulatory networks that contemplate the participation of the main stakeholders in the subject. The research methodology was bibliographic and the theme analysis was descriptive and critical in relation to the existing model.



How to Cite

SHUENQUENER DE ARAUJO, V. O direito administrativo global e seu potencial para a formação de uma rede regulatória transnacional na temática da saúde. Comparative Health Law Journal, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 35-47, 2023. Disponível em: //periodicos.unisa.br/index.php/direitosaude/article/view/486. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.